Organization and financing

Work package 1 leader: Søren Knudsen

This Work Package (WP) aims to develop a governance model and Business Plan for the establishment and operational phase of the WindScanner Facility, including a description of the governance and financial scheme.

The key objectives of this work package are:

  • To ensure the involvement of all RI members and stakeholders in the development, planning and operation of the facility.
  • To ensure transparent and accountable governance and operational arrangements.
  • To ensure economical sustainability of the facility, both for construction and operation

This work package focuses on developing the governance model and a Business Plan for the facility, during construction and operation respectively.

The objectives and tasks in this work package will depend on work done in other work packages, most notably, work package 2, which deals with the legal issues. Therefore, this WP is strongly coordinated with WP 2 and an Administrative and Legal Issues Committee (ALC) that is set up to ensure this.