Picture showing the group behind the project.

Memorandum of Understanding for WindScanner.eu signed in Amsterdam

Monday 14 Dec 15
Photo from left to right: Peter Eecen (ECN), Teresa Simoes (LNEG), Stephan Barth (ForWind Oldenburg), John Tande (SINTEF), Antonio Ugarte (CENER), Peter Hauge Madsen (DTU Wind Energy), Bernhard Lange (Fraunhofer IWES) 

The WindScanner.eu project came to an end in September 2015. All members of the WindScanner.eu Steering Committee have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). 

The signatory event took place at the opening ceremony of the IRPWind conference in Amsterdam on the 28th of September.

The MoU is not legally binding but is a means of showing commitment to the continued efforts after the end of the Preparatory Phase project in the intermediate phase from 1 October 2015 towards implementation. At the point of finalization of the Preparatory Phase sufficient national funding has not been achieved in order to start the establishment of a WindScanner.eu European Research Infrastructure Consortium. 

The establishing of the ERIC is expected to happen early 2017.

Intermediate steps have been agreed upon in order not to lose momentum in the interim phase between the finalization of the Preparatory Phase and the establishment of the ERIC. The partners have agreed on a framework for involvement of the scientific and industrial community based on the already established EERA Joint Programme (JP) on Wind Energy, where all the present partners are members. Utilizing the EERA framework will not only provide a familiar and proven effective governance structure, but it will also serve as a way of expanding the number of partners involved among the more than 40 members in the EERA JP Wind from currently 13 different Member States.

The interim phase can be seen as having two phases starting with a phase based on voluntary collaboration in the framework of EERA. This will next be supplemented by a more targeted “Implementation Phase” focusing on the final steps towards establishing an ERIC and gradually starting specific hub activities.



27 JULY 2024