Data management and the WindScanner e-Science User Platform

WindScanner Systems and other LiDAR based sensors create substantial amounts of data demanding a solid e-infrastructure that can support the entire data work-flow process: scanning, data acquisition, collection, processing and visualization, data mining and long-term preservation. In order to facilitate cutting-edge research and impact in society by enabling access to and re-use of the research data generated, extensive data consolidation and structuring is required.

The principles applied to data management in ERIC are closely assessed to be in accordance with the requirements of the EC council regulation on the community legal framework for an ERIC. Consequently, the facility shall contribute to the mobility of knowledge within the ERA as well as the dissemination and optimisation of the results of activities in Community research, technological development and demonstration.

The platform to provide this access is the WindScanner e-Science and User Platform consisting of a database for data storage and access on one hand, and an e-Science web service on the other. The WindScanner e-Science and User Platform will be a part of the WindScanner Central Hub, which will provide the possibility to protect and distribute data according to different confidentiality levels etc.

Measurement data generated by WindScanners and related equipment will make use of the database provided by the research infrastructure. The purpose of the database is to secure, store and structure the data. The technical requirements are set and clearly defined such that the anticipated huge amount of data can be stored and validation procedures can be performed.

Furthermore, the database also makes sure that data are made available to users. In order to control access, various user profiles and various levels of access and rights are defined. These access rights are coupled to the profile of an identified user. Decisions about this coupling are made by the Access Committee – constituted by a core group of members with a representative from each National Node, and to be elected by the General Assembly. The Access Committee will appoint within its committee a General WindScanner Database Manager whose main responsibility is the overall WindScanner database maintenance.

The Access Committee work load is proposed to be kept limited; therefore some access levels will be predefined such that the committee only needs to approve or decline based on those, without judging on a case to case basis. In any case, the Access Committee will always have the right to decline a proposal.

The WindScanner e-Science and User Platform represent one-point-of-entry for users where they can acquire necessary knowledge about the technology, have a possibility to run it and obtain access to the acquired measurements and other research data, communicate and collaborate with peers, and contribute.

Thus, the accessibility and facilitation of the technology will be met with this platform. The WindScanner Central Hub will be responsible for its development and implementation.
27 JULY 2024