- A European Research Infrastructure

In order to meet the goals of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan[i] (SET plan), Europe needs a massive increase in its installed wind power capacity – essentially, a required amount corresponding to the installation of one large wind turbine every hour for the next ten years. ERIC will contribute significantly to this demanding goal by building a unique research infrastructure capable of performing in-situ, high resolution wind measure- ments using remote laser scanning technology. Previously we were limited to performing detailed measurements at special test stations, using expensive and immobile measuring masts. The new laser-based infrastructure will provide both industry and research institutes within the European wind community, with unique tools capable of measuring flow around wind turbines and over hills, forests and mountains . These new measurements will lead to improved mathematical models for many aspects of both wind turbines and atmospheric flow. Through these improvements, wind energy will become cheaper and more reliable.

Equally relevant, for wind turbines that will be installed offshore, the infrastructure will be able to measure and provide unique insight into intra and inter park wake phenomena that are becoming so important for future offshore wind clusters. Here the economic benefits of even marginal improvements are massive.

Finally, ERIC will provide an exceptional added value to the European research community and industry by providing access to unique research data; contribute to the mobility of knowledge; standardization; and further optimization of advanced technological equipment to facilitate the cutting edge research throughout Europe. This will strengthen the ERA.
27 JULY 2024